The Village of New Concord, in partnership with ORBIT Media, would like to offer a new way for public participation in Village Council meetings. If you would like to ask a question or provide a comment to Village Council please call (740) 826-8379 and leave a message. All messages must be left by 1pm on the day of the scheduled Council meeting. Typically, Village Council meetings are held on the second Monday of the month, unless there is a holiday or a special meeting is needed. Council meeting dates can be found on the main page of the Village website
Your message must include your full name and address for the official record. Messages will be transcribed by newsroom staff and read aloud at the beginning of the Council meeting. No profanity, derogatory or inappropriate language will be included in the transcription.
It is also recommended that you include a contact phone number or email address in the event that your item cannot be fully addressed during the Council meeting. This contact information will not be read aloud during the public meeting.