Proposed Tax Levy (Replacement)
on your ballot
What is this levy for?
It provides vital funding for street, road and bridge maintenance, repair, paving, construction and reconstruction throughout our village.
Is this a new tax?
No. This is not a new tax.
How long have we had this levy?
New Concord residents have passed this every 5 years since it began in 1985.
35 years with no increase in millage – 3.2 mills
How much will I pay?
The millage is based on the property value of your home. For example, if your home is valued at $100,000 you’ll pay $112 a year.
What is a replacement tax levy?
It extends the expiring levy for another period of time, in our case, for 5 years. It is based on current property values.
Where do I find it on my ballot ?
This will be the last item on your ballot.
What does it say?
Look for this on your ballot:
Proposed Tax Levy
Village of New Concord
A majority affirmative vote is necessary for passage.
A replacement of a tax for the benefit of the Village of New Concord for the purpose of the general construction, reconstruction, resurfacing, maintenance and repair of streets, roads and bridges at a rate not exceeding three and two tenths (3.2) mills fr each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to thirty-two cents ($0.32) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for 5 years, commencing in 2020, first due in calendar year 2021.