The Village of New Concord is about to send out a new survey with the “MyCitizenSurveyPanel: New Concord”!
If you have already signed up to participate, thank you! If you have not, please consider doing so.
This is an Internet survey panel designed by National Research Center, Inc. (NRC), a renowned survey firm, to bring the voice of New Concord residents to important Village decisions.
We’re offering you this chance to help New Concord! It’s really easy! And if you don’t like it, you can decide not to take part at any time.
Please click on the link, below, indicate you’re ready to participate and then take a very short survey, mostly about general demographics – like how long you’ve lived here, etc.
From then on, you’ll get a link only once every three months sent to your email address asking you only 3-4 short questions about topics that the New Concord Village Leadership is considering. Confidential results will be quickly analyzed by NRC and reported to Village Leadership and published on the Village website.
For now this is just for New Concord adults (age 18 and older). Tell your neighbors to join in and let’s all help keep the Village great!
Please sign up by Friday, November 15, 2019. Surveys will be sent out the week of November 18, 2019.