Public Meeting
Community Engagement Meeting #3 “Create the Vision”
Thursday, May 19 at 7:00 PM at Village Hall
Our third and last community engagement meeting will re-cap what has been developed from the previous two meetings and present the results, along with continued discussion.
Please come even if you weren’t able to attend previous meetings. Everyone’s input is needed and welcome.
The sessions are led by Keith Hall and Katie Freeland of MSA Sports, an architectural firm in Columbus with long experience in aquatics facilities.
More about the project:
Thanks to a generous grant from the J.W. and M.H. Straker Charitable Foundation, the Village has embarked on a process to identify the future of a community pool for New Concord area residents. Our existing pool is over 60 years old and at the end of its lifespan. This has led to the question of how we wish to move forward as a community. To facilitate the process, we have engaged MSA Sport, a leading design/architecture firm with long aquatics experience.
The first session, held in July, included a presentation by MSA of the condition of the existing pool, benchmarking of aquatics facilities and possible pool amenities, followed by open dialogue with attendees to gather thoughts and ideas from the community, especially related to the possibility of building a new facility.
In the second session, held in November, Keith and Katie facilitated an interactive process that helped identify the key wants and needs of the community while also guiding a budget conversation. They also presented three concept plans based on the input from the July session, and attendees voted for the plan which best resembled their vision.