The Village of New Concord, Ohio will accept sealed bids at Village Hall, 2 West Main Street, P. O. Box 10, New Concord, Ohio 43762 for 2018 Village Paving and Improvements until July 6, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
The instructions to bidders, specifications and bidding documents may be examined or obtained from the office of the Village Administrator, P. O. Box 10, 2 West Main Street, New Concord, Ohio 43762.
Attention to bidders is called to requirements of conditions of employment, minimum prevailing wage rates, bid bonds, performance bonds and Village income tax. The deadline for project completion is August 17, 2018.
The Village reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, to increase, decrease or omit any item or items, waive formalities, re-advertise or take such other steps as necessary in the interest of the Village of New Concord.
Village of New Concord 2018 Street Improvement Bid Specs